fitness is a mindset.

anybody can be fit… yes, that includes you.

I’ll get you in the best shape of your life. all you have to do is meet me halfway.

Are you tired of the bullshit? Welcome to the club.

There’s so much noise in the fitness industry these days. Everywhere you look some “fake natty” fitness influence is trying to sell you their latest fad diet, workout plan, or supplement.

The truth is - getting fit is simple, but not easy. When you do away with all the bullshit it comes down to this:

  • Move your body through a variety of positions at varied speeds

  • Train your body to safely handle progressively heavier forces

  • Eat real food

Simple, but not easy. That’s where I come in.

Hi, I’m Rob and I want to make getting in the best shape of your life super easy. How will I do that you may ask? The answer to that question is simple too:

  • I’ll provide you a plan that will train your body to achieve what I like to call “Full Spectrum Fitness”

  • I’ll teach you to perform all the movements in your plan so that you can build a lifetime foundation of fitness knowledge.

  • I’ll help you figure out what’s real food and what isn’t

  • I’ll keep you accountable for the workouts your commit to and ensure your fitness progression stays on track.

  • I’ll motivate you to become a more badass version of yourself.


do the work. you’ll notice the change.

Change never comes easy. But if you show up even 20 minutes a day, day after day, you will transform your body and your mind.

The path to a badass body


Phase 1: Body Control

When I was in the Army getting smoked (trained via “corrective exercise”), it seemed that every Drill Sergeant had a favorite line, “What’s wrong? Can’t hold up your arms? Can’t hold up your legs? You grew em - now use em!”

It was hard to appreciate that observation while doing endless flutter kicks or “cherry pickers”, but it stuck with me. Our body is an amazing training tool, and it’s with us all the time. In phase 1, you’re going to learn or re-learn how to use your body efficiently and effectively.

We’re going to assess your posture and movement patterns and take a full accounting of our starting point so that we can measure progress going forward. If we need to correct postural imbalances, we’ll start doing so in this phase.

You’re going to get in tune with your body and become its master.

Whether you sit at a desk all day or have an active job, we all develop faulty movement patterns. In Phase 1, we’ll begin undoing some of those patterns so that you don’t get injured as you progress in your training.

Don’t get me wrong - this phase isn’t going to be easy. I guarantee I can kick your butt with calisthenic-based workouts. We can ease into it or make it as intense as you desire.

If you’re a more advanced athlete, I’ll ratchet up the difficulty and add weighted exercises to give your body a greater stimulus.

Once I’m confident that you’ve developed the body control to perform more advanced movements without injury and that we’ve corrected faulty movement patterns so that you don’t reinforce them as we progress in training - we’ll move forward with phase 2.

Phase 2: muscle factory

No matter what your goals are, building muscle is key to getting there.

Want to get stronger? Build muscle (duh).

Want to lose weight? Build muscle.

Want to improve metabolic health markers? Build muscle.

I like to describe the importance of building muscle as akin to starting a business for passive income. If you wanted to start an Airbnb business, you’d have to do a lot of work upfront, buying properties and getting them ready for listing. However, once you establish those rental units, they’ll keep working for you as long as you do a small amount of work each week to maintain them.

Building muscle works the same way for your overall health. You’re going to need to sweat and grind for a bit to build up a larger reserve of muscle tissue in your body. But once you have that muscle built, it will literally work for you to keep you healthy and looking good by burning calories and pulling in sugar before it can turn into body fat, all while you go about your daily activities.

Whether you want to look great, be strong, or feel healthier - building muscle (hypertrophy) is the key.

Ladies, do not fear building muscle. I guarantee that you won’t bulk up in the same way that a man would. Instead, you’ll look fit, toned, and have an easier time maintaining a healthy body composition. If you ever start putting on more muscle mass than you’d like, we can always tone it down.

This phase has four goals:

  1. Muscle hypertrophy aka getting swole/jacked/ripped/yoked/brolic/etc.

  2. Improving your lifting form so you can get more efficient at hypertrophy and pursue it without injury

  3. Understanding metabolic health and the critical role muscle hypertrophy plays in it

  4. More hypertrophy

Phase 3: Warrior Strength

Now that we’ve got those muscles cookin’ - you’re going to learn how to wield them effectively. We’ll move beyond the basic foundational lifts and bodybuilding-type training and get your body ready for battle.

We’ll implement more physically and mentally challenging training and be more methodical in building up the different metabolic pathways that your body can use for energy and power.

This is where it starts to get really fun. Based on your preferences, you can expect to see:

  • Spartan training tools: Kettlebell, Steel Mace, Sandbags

  • Combat conditioning

  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with and without weights

  • Olympic lifting

  • Crossfit style workouts

  • Advanced bodyweight movements

  • Martial arts movements

  • Metabolic & cardiovascular conditioning

  • And more

Phase 4: Full Spectrum fit

Once you reach phase 4, we start all over again. Well, sort of.

By this point, you’ll have established a solid base of overall fitness. You’ll be a fitter, stronger, healthier person than you were before you embarked on this journey.

And that’s exactly what fitness is - a journey, not a destination. It’s a beautiful journey that rewards us with fun, excitement, adventure, and a world of new opportunities - but it can be a hard journey at times. The hard times that make you want to give up are what a coach is for.

I’m telling you straight up - there is no endpoint to the fitness journey. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds and then you’re done, you’ll start gaining it right back as soon as you hit that mark. You need to stay consistent.

The only endpoint on the fitness journey is the end of your health span. That’s an endpoint we never want to reach. My goal is to make sure that we push that endpoint as far away as possible.

Once you reach a high level of health and fitness, we’ll continue to evaluate your circumstances, areas for improvement, and goals. Then, we’ll create new plans and challenges for you to embark upon.

Those that make it this far have already proven that they have the grit and determination to take control of their health and their life. They don’t shy away from adversity. They meet obstacles head-on and overcome them.

These people are strong, wise, and tough. They are an elite few in a world full of people who are lazy and lack the discipline to take control over their health, and over their lives. Will you become one of them?

Phase ∞: Recovery

There’s a reason people say that fitness is a lifestyle. When you decide to rise above mediocrity and become a badass, you’ve got to take care of yourself. Eating shitty, sitting around all day, and sacrificing sleep for Netflix isn’t going to cut it anymore.

As you progress through each stage of fitness, recovery becomes more and more important.

Without proper recovery, your progress will stall and plateau. Athletes who don’t take care of themselves are prime candidates for sickness and injuries. Injuries are a massive setback to your progress and motivation.

We want to avoid that.

I’ll be in your corner throughout the entire journey reminding you to take care of yourself. We’ll develop strategies together that identify the low-hanging fruit of recovery so that you can make easy changes to your lifestyle, which will have huge benefits for your overall health and well-being.

As a licensed massage therapist and certified nutrition coach, I know how to interpret the signals your body is giving you and turn that into actionable advice.

If you live in Hawai’i, massage therapy services with me are offered at a 25% discount!

Hey, you. Yeah you. stop procrastinating and click that button.